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Designers of High Speed Passenger Rail System


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Unique offer in high-speed rail

At AFRY, we have worked in large railway projects for decades, we are deeply involved in the development of Europe's railway system and we have worked with high-speed rail (HSR) projects in several European countries.

Our offer in high-speed rail is unique. We combine a strong local presence with international experts. We know the local laws, rules, regulations, what the geographical conditions are and who the client is. Our network of experts and their experience is global. Their willingness to learn from each other, to share their insights, is essential for our clients success. Our experts are at the forefront of high-speed rail development and support the project with the latest best practice.

With AFRY, you get the best of both worlds, our local knowledge and presence in combination with international experts and their experiences.

In defining our high-speed rail offer, we have chosen to adhere to the Directive 2004/50/EC (amending Directive 96/48/EC)- Interoperability of the trans-European high speed rail system where there are three catorgories of high-speed lines identified. The first are specially built high-speed lines equipped for speeds generally equal to or greater than 250 km/h. The second are specially upgraded high-speed lines equipped for speeds of the order of 200 km/h, and the third category are specially upgraded high-speed lines which have special features as a result of topographical, relief or town-planning constraints, on which the speed must be adapted to each case.

At AFRY we have experience of working in all three categories.


Meet our experts

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Per Apelryd, High Speed Rail expert consultant at AFRY

Per Apelryd

Per Apelryd is a Technical Manager, specialised in overhead catenary system and technical electric installations, with more than 30 years of experience of assignments in technical equipment in railway infrastructure. He has worked as a specialist in tunnel projects for more than 20 years, including six years as a leading engineer and design specialist in high-speed rail projects. He enjoys working with the development of future electrification systems, and high-speed rail in particular.

Apelryd has been involved in many significant Swedish railway projects, such as the East Link, for which he developed a system for the construction of all technical buildings along the new line. Furthermore, he has developed a system for all auxiliary power supply to technical installations along the future high-speed main railway line in Sweden.

Filip Berggren, High Speed Rail expert consultant at AFRY

Filip Berggren

Filip Berggren works as Group Manager within bridge and civil engineering structures design at AFRY. He has a BSc in engineering with a special focus on construction and has worked as a steel designer, 3D coordinator, bridge designer as well as a bridge expert and project manager, mainly in projects with complex steel bridges or big railway projects, including high-speed rail projects.

Berggren is an expert in steel constructions and a certified expert at level TR-Steel/N for steel structures of normal nature and TR-Steel/K for steel structures of a complicated nature. He has a solid knowledge of the Swedish Transport Administration's requirements and advice documents, as well as of design rules and conditions. Furthermore, he is experienced in client relations and coordination with other areas of technology to achieve the desired results.

Siw Hedenstedt, High Speed Rail expert consultant at AFRY

Siw Hedenstedt

Siw Hedenstedt works as Functional Manager within Geotechnics at AFRY. She has a MSc in Civil Engineering and 20 years of experience in civil engineering. She has many years of experience in carrying out geotechnical investigations for detailed plans, building development and environmental impact, as well as drawing up railway plans, system and tender documents for infrastructure projects such as rail traffic, power lines and optical lines.

Hedenstedt is Assistant Technical Manager Geotechnics in the East Link HSR railway project in Sweden, for the Södertälje-Trosa leg. She works together with other technical areas to achieve the best design, in terms of economy, climate, sound, vibration, natural environment, cultural environment, land and water. The technical area Geotechnics provides support for the choice of constructions, e.g. bank or bridge, location of the railway line and optimisation of foundations in terms of sustainability.

Per Holmer, High Speed Rail expert consultant at AFRY

Per Holmer

Per Holmer has more than 20 years of experience within railway signal systems. He is experienced in design of interlocking (M59, M85, M95), ERTMS, ATC, PATCY, level crossing protection, line block systems, temporary speed reductions, Signal Technical Functional requirements etc.

Holmer is skilled in construction equipment and documents (system design, inquiry documents, gene documents, construction documents and administrative documents) as well as commission inspection signals, protection and safety leadership, signal technical safety examinations and CAD. Recently, he has worked with the signaling systems of the Swedish HSR East Link project.

Sven-Ivar Persson, High Speed Rail expert consultant at AFRY

Sven-Ivar Persson

Sven-Ivar Persson works as Assistant Manager for track design of the Swedish HSR East Link project and has more than 25 years of experience in track design in stages from feasibility studies to detailed designs, including eight years of experience in ground design and construction.

He has been involved in assignments all over Sweden, which has given him a wide range and great skills within the field. His favourite part of the job is that he gets to be a part of shaping sustainable transportation for the future.

See our projects

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East Link, Stockholm- Linköping, Sweden

AFRY is involved in the planning of the East Link, which will enable people and goods to travel faster through eastern Sweden by train. The East Link, which is currently under construction, will be a new double track high speed railway line, linking the greater Stockholm area to Linköping. The trains will be able to run at speeds of around 250 km per hour and carry passengers from Stockholm to Linköping in one hour. AFRY has teamed up with Tyréns in the development of the stretch between the municipalities of Södertälje and Trosa, which includes production of railway plans with environmental impact assessments, basic design and design programmes.

Infra-East link - Östlänken, Sweden - railway

Espoo-Salo -railway, Finland

The One Hour Train is a high-speed-rail link between Turku and Helsinki, Finland. Espoo-Salo-railway project is divided in three parts and AFRY in charge of a part between two cities, Lohja and Suomusjärvi. In addition to leading the project AFRY is liable to the geotechnic design, railway engineering, tunneling and bridge engineering. Varying topography sets challenges to engineering when the height of the railway and placing the tunnels will be optimized by the costs and environment.

Espoo-Salo train picture

World's longest railway tunnel, Gotthard Base Tunnel, Switzerland

AFRY has helped link southern and northern Europe through the Swiss Alps via the Gotthard Base Tunnel – the longest railway tunnel in the world. With its 57 km, the Gotthard base tunnel is the longest railway tunnel in the world, and the core of the new transalpine railway axis AlpTransit. The twin single track high speed rail tunnels run between Erstfeld and Bodio in Switzerland. In connection with its planning and construction, AFRY provided environmental services, tunnelling, electromechanics, rail traffic and ventilation/safety. The project included the construction of a 800 m vertical shaft and a 2 700 m inclined gallery, plus multifunction stations where adits meet the base tunnel. Certain stretches were particularly demanding, with soft rock under high pressure.

Railway tunnel

World's longest immersed road and rail tunnel, The Fehrmarn Belt tunnel, Denmark

The Fehmarn Belt tunnel will link Denmark to the continent. With its 18 kilometres, the Fehmarn Belt tunnel will be world's longest immersed tunnel for both road and rail. When finished, it will shorten the trip from Copenhagen to Hamburg by 160 km. AFRY and sub-consultants contribute to the tunnel on several levels:

Design of mechanical and electrical systems for communication, HVAC, fire, drainage, power supply, data network, lighting, access control, PA, CCTV, weather surveillance, traffic detection, emergency stations, tolling and ITS. In-house consultancy services for review and provision of in-house resources related to construction management, excluding railway systems and safety.

Infra-Fehmarn Belt tunnel, Denmark - road, rail

The longest railway tunnel in the Nordic countries, Follo Line, Norway

The Follo Line is Norway's largest transport project and Nordic region's longest railway tunnel of 19.5 km by far. The Follo Line will give passengers an upgraded and faster public transport route between Skiing Centre and Oslo.

Gjennomslag for Follobanens tunnelboring

A unique set of skills

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Selecting the right consultant

The skills and experiences needed to carry out a high-speed rail project are many. Some are unique to the challenges of speed, others relate to the environmental impact, and even more are similar to those encountered when building railways in general. These are some of the competencies and skills that consultants require – at AFRY we have them all.

Infographic showing the competencies needed to conduct an HSR project

AFRY has a unique offer in high-speed rail


  • Geotechnics
  • Surveying
  • Environment
  • Operation & Maintenance

Digital / BIM

  • Modelling & Simulation (CFD)
  • BIM 3D+ for rail
  • BIM 3D+ for road
  • BIM 3D+ for structures
  • Smart operation & maintenance

Railway & Road

  • Track design
  • Catenary
  • Stations
  • Signalling
  • Traction power supply
  • 50Hz
  • Telecommunications
  • RAMS / LCC
  • Bridges
  • Civil structures
  • Hard rock tunnelling
  • Electro & mechanical equipment
  • Safety / Fire safety

Project Management

  • Project Management
  • Contract Management
  • Consulting on PM level

Designers of High Speed Passenger Rail System
